Pragma Business   

Pragma Business - is a business solution for texts translation.

We have realized our best Pragma 6.x theoretical ideas and original practical solutions from the previous projects. 

Using  Pragma 6.х Business You may be sure of complete confidentiality of Your documents. You can also translate large amount of text, site or simply a message in a matter of seconds.

Pragma 6.х Business is a computer translator created to help any user –  a professional translator will need less time to  translate a text , others will be able to find a common language and somebody will find new business partners.

Pragmais money and time saving in Your company.

Pragma Business includes dictionaries  with the extended domain (topic) marking

The program is not integrated into another applications – it works with all active applications via Pragma Monitor (an instrument for program management).  To run a translation use an icon near the clock. (see."All about Pragma 6.x translator”)

You can learn more about the configuration pricing policy here.

English (United Kingdom)Russian (CIS)Ukrainian (UA)

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