licensing,products, downloading, translator, machine, computer, translation, languages, Russian, English, Ukrainian, French, German, Polish, Kazakh, Latvian, Lettish, online, on-line, download,translate, Pragma, 5.x, 6.x, applications, quick, installation, work
    Licencing of LDT Trident Software products is made according to Ukraine's legislation and international agreements.

Trident Software, Ltd. distributes its own products on the basis of the underwritten licensing rules. The rules are effective since 2010.01.01 till the present time.

The license agreement does not grant the right of property to Pragma product and its components. It grants only the right of use of program copy and its components in in compliance with conditions specified in this agreement.

Basic principles

Depending on the license type, you are authorized to use all functionalities of the Program during a certain limited time period (trial) or unlimited time period (commercial). Among other things this means that there is no functional difference between trial and commercial versions of the Program, and you always know what exactly you have gained (will gain). Unless otherwise specified, the commercial license implies: unlimited lifetime, technical support without time limitation (e-mail), unrestricted right for updating (obtaining of new versions). We reserve to ourselves the right to define these conditions more exactly for each particular program and to specify them explicitly. However, changes are not applicable to the earlier purchased licenses.

Types of commercial licenses

Single User License - only one user is authorized to install the Program on not more than one computer.  This license is available for home users only. Registration is required.

Multi-user License - the Program can be used by any number of users, but the Program is authorized to be installed on not more than specified number of computers. I.e., purchasing a license of this type you have to specify the quantity of the computers in service. Registration is required for each computer.

Concurrent Net License - the Program is authorized to be installed on a local network with unlimited number of workstations. This license may require that not more than specifying number of users can run document translation at the same time. Registration is required for one server installation only.


For infringement of copyright on еру Software product offender is a civil, administrative or criminal responsibility in accordance with Ukrainian legislation and international arrangements ratified on the territory of Ukraine.

The Copyright Owner guarantees that the Software will conform to the description given in the documentation.

The Owner guarantees that the data reported by you upon activation of the Software will be stored and used solely within the company "Trident Software”.

The Owner shall not be liable in case of incompatibility of the Software with other software on your computer.

The Software is supplied "as is" and rightful owner is not liable for any damages, including lost profits, loss of data, and savings arising from the use or inability to use the Software Product even in case of prior notification of the possibility if such loss or at any suit the third party.

Deleting of any copyright information is forbidden.

User  does not object to Program product integration into the software installed on his computer including, but not limited to for correct operating of Program product functional part.

User is informed and agrees that Program Product uses the functional component to transmit the information concerning Program product  errors and fails to Developer. This data does not include any personal  information and information about confidential data on user's computer. Information which is transmitted to Developer is used exclusively with aim to eliminate the Program Product defects and its use with any other aim is categorically excluded.

Rightholder reserves the right to put up any advertising information including, but not limited to advertising in user's browsers.

Advertisement is put up on computers of test version users, users of unlicensed products and other users violating conditions of this agreement who are   violators or there is a strong presumption of these violations.

User has no objection to the integration the Software in other software installed on his/her computer.

The Owner reserves the right to place advertisements in Internet browsers.

User has no objection to verify compliance with the License Agreement directly by Owner or its special software.

License distribution

Regardless of the license type, trial (received automatically) or purchased commercial, the same way of license distribution is used. We call it "online" license. With online license you can get a registration (activation) key for your Program when it is necessary, for example, at the first program start, after hardware reset or version updating. You can also save the obtained key and use it later. It is necessary to mention that you have access to other online services such as: online support, subscriptions and dicounts for the following purchases.

Licensing control, transfer of licenses

For all license types (except concurrent one) a limited number of computers are specified on which installation of the Program is authorized. We trust our clients, however for fighting against pirates a certain monitoring scheme is used. Each obtaining of a key with online license is considered "activation". "Activation" is equivalent to the license usage on one computer. That is, we reserve to ourselves the right to disable key generation when your license exceeds a certain number of activations. We take into account possible "error" activations and other accidental factors, so you are permitted to make activations in a quantity, which is more than twice larger than the number of computers for the authorized installation.

Agreement cancellation

In case of non-fulfilment of one of the foregoing points Trident Software, Ltd. has a right to terminate this agreement unilaterally.

After the agreement cancellation User is obliged to stop product using and uninstall  the program copy cleanly.

This license agreement applies to all updates given to User within the bounds of technical support.

English (United Kingdom)Russian (CIS)Ukrainian (UA)

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