Pragma Home  - is a program-translator created exclusively for home use.

Ease of use,  reasonable price , support for all applications, excellent translation quality are indispensable for Your computer.
You may purchase a license for any period – for one month or for unlimited period.    The minimum price for 1 month is  $ 2.


This license type does not include the possibility of domain-specific dictionaries use.

Pragma Home, as in other Pragma 6.x product lines has a modular language architecture. This method enables to easily manage program configuration for different user needs. For example, if You need an English-Russian translator it will include three blocks – a basic, English and Russian modules.

The  translation engine created by Trident Software company allows You to translate texts in a matter of seconds.

Pragma 6.x Home is not integrated into applications. The translator starts interacting with the active application after a mouse click on the monitor icon. (see. "Getting started with a program “)

A user can  configure the program to fit his conditions  and hide intermediate dialogue windows. This will enable to translate texts  in one click.

English (United Kingdom)Russian (CIS)Ukrainian (UA)

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Online Translator