Thank you for visiting our web site!

We are growing company of software developers. The field of our scientific research is machine translation software.

The company was established in 1998 and until now  we have  developed a few  product  lines - Language  Master,
L-Master 98 and Pragma. We pay special attention to the linguistic area and our products are based on our own multilingual technology.

We got the best results in translation to/from Ukrainian and Latvian and rather fine quality in other directions as well. Our last product Pragma 6.x comprises eight languages - English, German, French, Latvian, Russian, Ukrainian, Polish and Kazakh.

Our software is used by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the Secretariat of the President of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers, the National bank and most of other government institutions in Ukraine, large industrial and financial companies, all Ukrainian schools and also small business and private persons in Ukraine and all over the world.

We offer both ready-for-use "box" products and open translation technology that can be built-in in other specific products.

In order to enlarge our business we are looking for serious investors and partners.

Contact information:
(380) 44-250-9578
(380) 44-250-9578
P.O.Box 100, Kiev 03191, Ukraine

English (United Kingdom)Russian (CIS)Ukrainian (UA)

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